(608) 727-3721 * www.stpetersloganville.org * stpetersloganville@gmail.com
About Our Church
We, the members and friends of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Loganville, Wisconsin, boldly declare that our mission statement is to, “Proclaim Christ’s Love in the World with Joy: Jesus, Others, You.” We are a community of faith open to all faith traditions and to all people united in the love of Jesus the Christ. All are welcome in this place to gather and share the Love and Peace of God which passes all understanding. Please come, join us, share and abide in the love of God.
St. Peters New Pastor
Peter Bredlau was raised in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, and studied at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (now United Lutheran Seminary). He has served congregations in Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Wisconsin; and was has been the College Chaplain at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Peter is married and has two college-aged children. He will begin his service with us on Sunday, January 12.
See additional information below.
More comprehensive biography Click Here
January 16, 2025
Agreement with St. John Church, Reedsburg for Pastoral Service. The agreement with Pastor Bredlau, which was approved in December 2024,
included a partnership with St. John Church in Reedsburg. At the January meeting, the Church Council approved an agreement with St. John which
identifies how the partnership will work. Pastor Bledlau’s time and compensation will be split 70% /
30% between St. Peter’s and St. John. St. Peter’s will pay the expenses and will be reimbursed monthly by St. John. Pastor Bredlau will preach
every Sunday at St. Peter’s but will also conduct services once a month at St. John including a Saturday night service and early Sunday morning
service. Other Pastoral duties will also be shared.
Former Vicars
Tyler Hoey 2019-2020
Stephen Nilsen 2020-2021
Nathaniel Adkins 2021-2022
Services are in person at
10 AM, also on
Facebook live at 10 AM.
All services may be viewed any time on Facebook.
10am every Wednesday via ZOOM.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6087273721?pwd=NzJ6YmtBaEprbGU1dXZHNzg2ZktQdz09
New Education Opportunities for St. Peter’s and St. John are starting now. February 2025.
Click here for additional information.
Studying and praying together is a great way to get to know each other, see how the Bible guides our everyday lives, and explore our faith. All of the studies are in person and on Zoom. The Zoom link is found at stpetersloganville.org on the front page at the “Weekly Bible Study” link.
Faith Night - Wedding at Cana
St. Peters Lutheran Church members would like to thank Sharon Schlieckau, who is retiring after 51 years of Music Ministry at St. Peters.
Quilters are meeting the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of every month, 9 AM to Noon Located in Church Fellowship Hall
Mission of the Month for
February 2025
Veterans Equine Trail Services
Use the White Envelopes located in the pews for your donations
St. Peter's confirmation youth and parents participated in the Sauk Prairie Against Hunger Pack Event on October 26th. They measured and weighed vitamins, soy, dehydrated vegetables and rice into packets and sealed them. It was an eye opening and fun event where they were part of over 160 individuals volunteering!
Tree Removal Crew
Become a part of our community todayHELP US TO SPREAD OURLOVE AND FAITH