St. Peter's Luthern Church
Loganville WI
What is WELCA?
It's an easy way to say Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Our organization includes Lutheran women who gather in more than 6,000 locations in the U.S and the Caribbean for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more! WELCA embraces ministries that support our mission of mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. We have a place for you in Women of the ELCA at St. Peter's Loganville, WI.
Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
What Does Our Logo Mean
Our logo—with the cross, water and a white lily—identifies women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as children of God; baptized, forgiven, adopted into God’s family, full of grace and hope in eternal life. It is a reminder of the growth, beauty, and vitality that rises out of that life-giving baptismal water. It is also a reminder of the mission of the church to “Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
Quilting will take place on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays beginning at 9 AM. Thread needed for sewing kits! The fabric is cut and on the back tables; pick up a piece and buy a spool of thread to match it (250-300 yard spool). Two pieces of fabric and two spools of thread are in each kit. Return them to the brown totes.
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not"
Executive Board
President ~ Carolyn Meyer
C0-President ~
Secretary ~ Jan Henke
Treasurer ~ Linda Behn
Education Secretary ~
Stewardship Secretaries ~ Lorinda Broughton
Karen Nodolf
Nominating Committee ~ Amy Suemnicht
Linda Behn
Women singing to the men on Father's Day
St. Peter's Woman at Work & Fundraising
Packing kits for Lutheran World Relief
Quilters Exterior Florals Walking Sticks Project Ice Cream Social
Sit 'n' Sew
Also included in WELCA activities are:
Parish Upkeep MinistryAltar Guild includes changing the Paraments, filling the candles and providing fresh flowers on the altar and outside flower pots
Baby Care Kits & Fabric KitsBaby Care Kits include clothes, diapers, socks, towels soap; packed and sent to Lutheran World Relief once a year. Fabric Kits include yardage and thread for women to learn how to sew.
Baptismal Banners and Special QuiltsMade and presented to newly baptized members along with a handmade quilt.
Care MinistryEach month members visit those who are in nursing homes and unable to make it to church or are at home and need a visit. Communion is available.
Cheer for the HolidaysUnique gifts have been provided to our over 80 members. Hearts on a string is one such gift. Another has been a framed photo of the front of the church photo of Jesus at Gethsemane.
Confirmation BannersPersonal handmade banners for each student presented at their day of Confirmation.
Funeral Lunch MinistryLunch is organized and served by the woman. The woman take care of cleanup and boxing any leftover food for the family.
Health Care Center GiftsBirthday gifts are purchased for the residents in May and November. Christmas gifts for 20 residents are purchased.
Prayers Warriors continue to pray for those in need.
Sunday Hosting
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Loganville Ballpark Concession StandThe concession stand is staffed with volunteers during the Youth Ballgames held Wednesday nights.
Loganville Parade Celebrations
Baby Care Kits & Fabric KitsBaby Care Kits include clothes, diapers, socks, towels soap; packed and sent to Lutheran World Relief once a year. Fabric Kits include yardage and thread for women to learn how to sew.
Baptismal Banners and Special QuiltsMade and presented to newly baptized members along with a handmade quilt.
Care MinistryEach month members visit those who are in nursing homes and unable to make it to church or are at home and need a visit. Communion is available.
Cheer for the HolidaysUnique gifts have been provided to our over 80 members. Hearts on a string is one such gift. Another has been a framed photo of the front of the church photo of Jesus at Gethsemane.
Confirmation BannersPersonal handmade banners for each student presented at their day of Confirmation.
Funeral Lunch MinistryLunch is organized and served by the woman. The woman take care of cleanup and boxing any leftover food for the family.
Health Care Center GiftsBirthday gifts are purchased for the residents in May and November. Christmas gifts for 20 residents are purchased.
Prayers Warriors continue to pray for those in need.
Sunday Hosting
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Loganville Ballpark Concession StandThe concession stand is staffed with volunteers during the Youth Ballgames held Wednesday nights.
Loganville Parade Celebrations